The Tilak as we know is recognized as a religious mark mainly in our Sanathan Dharm (Hinduism) generally invokes a feeling of sanctity in the wearer and others seeing it. A white sandal wood Tilak mark signifies purity, a red kum kum mark signifies valour and is a blessing for victory as well. Turmeric can also be used as a tilak signifying prosperity. Sometimes black ash (Vibhuti) or charcoal mark is also used. The Vaishnava group of worshippers apply a sandal wood Tilak of the shape of “U,” Shaiva group of worshippers apply a (Vibhuthi – yagna/havan ash) in the tripundra (three horizontal lines), and worshippers of different goddesses use a red of kumkum, etc. The Tilak is applied after the prayers symbolizing that one should remember the Lord, his pious feeling pervade all his activities and he be righteous in his deeds and works well to remind these pointers even if one forgets to pray. Hence the Tilak is thus a blessing of the Lord and a protection against wrong tendencies and forces. Apart from that it also serves as a purpose of decoration and any woman wearing these marks will surely look more beautiful and attractive. Indian women body tone, structure is most suited for these bindi marks and jewels.

Scientific Significance:

The Tilak cover the spot between the eyebrows, which connects to the Bhramanadi which is the seat of memory and thinking. In yoga terms it is called as Aajna Chakra (Brow Chakra). We know that the human body emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves and especially the forehead and the subtle spot between the forehead and the subtle spot between the eyebrows. The imbalance in the body causes the energy to destabilize and causes worries and tension and hence headaches. The Tilak cools the forehead, protects us and prevents the loss of energy. Sometimes the entire forehead is covered with sandal wood or the holy ash. Moreover one cannot be easily hypnotized when he/she is wearing these marks and also it acts as an acupressure point. It also protects one from other’s evil eyes because it neutralizes negative thoughts of others when they see the face with Tilak, that is why young babies are put the black kajal (a purified and medicated charcoal) on the side of their forehead and/or on cheeks and it is replaced by kum kum for adults. Anyone with strong meditative powers can control others evil eyes hence he doesn’t require kum kum although he can wear it. The application of ash after bathing if seen carefully is on the whole of forehead and in all of the ashtaanga (eight limbs/joints) because this ash has the ability to suck out excess water hence protecting one from cold and sinus problems and has calcium in it so the limbs get calcium for stronger bone joints. When talking about calcium it is one of the main reasons of why Hindus are cremated and the men are asked to stay there till the body is fully burnt, because calcium is released and inhaling the smoke is good in a way for them. Men were chosen here because in those days they are the one who were bread earners and Men were chosen here because in those days they are the one who were bread earners and did labor work hence the joints and limbs wear off quicker than women.

Married women use this vermillion on their Maang (top of forehead till the middle of the head) because it has those nerves that when activated reduces the stress and fatigue. Other ingredients like turmeric, camphor and lime powder and since turmeric is grown underground it has all the 18 nutrients of the earth (soil) and the important being iron, hence when applied of the forehead (middle of eyebrows) will regulate your body aura and eliminate negative energy and promote good health.

Below are some ways of how to identify original kumkum.

  • Can be smelled from a small distance.
  • Very cold when touched
  • Very dry in nature
  • Blood red in colour

I hope you now understand why Sanathan Dharma shows the importance of having kumkum and other types of Tilak marks in everyday life, there is mostly a scientific backend to a spiritual frontend. Sanathan Dharm is not about religion but more than that a way of life and how to pass it with harmony. I have separated science and spiritual significance for better understanding but if you read through carefully you can understand that how they deeply interconnected to each other. Using plastic and reusable stickers is not very beneficial, even though it serves the purpose of decoration.

Kokila Manjula Sree started kumkuma udhayamum (vermilion movement) in 2002 . the Indian culture emphasizes on the attire of women as a Saree and dothi for men along with gold ornaments vermilion is considered as an important aspect of dressing in India for example based on the attire one can identify to which culture a person belongs unfortunately because of many rulers from different cultural backgrounds ruled India there has been a crisis in respecting and following the Indian culture. As said by Vivekananda ” we should be proud of being a Hindu” and the vermilion reflex rising sun on the forehead which indicates Bharatiya Dharma. Sri Thirupavai Kokila Manjula Sree garu has been propagating the kumkuma dharana or preaching wearing vermilion on the forehead, since 20O1 she ensures that all the children, women and men wear vermilion for their well-being, incase people approach her without vermilion she first applies it on their forehead and then only speaks to them. She preaches that wearing vermilion is an aspect depicting Indian culture.

The Sree Seva Foundation (SSF) prepares Kumkum in the traditional manner with complete organic ingridents, many devotees use Rasayana Kumkum. Wearing and Daanam (offering) of this Devine Kumkum gives us Complete God’s grace. We should always wear even the people around us and as a part of this the SSF provide door stickers too.. Can contact for further……